Friday, September 12, 2008

New blue van


Charlotte said...

Wow what a nice van... Are you going to drive it?

I am so glad you got Goldy's tags sounds back, lets hope it stays there!

What else have you heard?

Charlotte x

leah said...

Hmmm... shouldn't be long until you can drive that van (or learn to drive it, anyway)! Love Goldie's tags around your neck!

Jennifer Bruno Conde said...

Hi Charlotte and Leah!

Amanda is here at my computer reading your comments. She wants me to tell you that she is 14 years old and if she tried to drive now she would be all over the road!

You will be happy to know that Goldy's tags are safely back around her own neck.

Jennifer :-)

Sheila said...

What a great-looking van! And yeah for Goldy's dog tag tinkling!

How's it going at school, Amanda? Is that guy who was shooting in your ear leaving you alone now?


Janet said...

Amanda, I believe dog tags are very fashionalble right now. Very cute! Love the van, too!

Jennifer said...

Oooohhh...I love the van...and the dog tags look great on you...perhaps you can start a new fashion trend!
I always love a new post from you!
Have a great week :)

Abbie said...

It wont be long before you start driving Amanda :) Congratulations on the newest addition to the Conde family :)

amandakristineconde said...

HI charlotte, leahlefler, sheila, janet, jennifer, abbie!!!!!!!! I want other CI!!!!!!!!!!!